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Paresh P Chitnis

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Creativity and absent mindedness- Two sides of the same coin

Disconnection= Intuition, creativity, absent mindedness.
An old gentleman who was very absent minded would visit us once in a year. He was an epitome of absent mindedness. He would forget all that he could forget. Towel while going for a bath, glasses on his forehead, his wallet, his handbag, his cap (topi) and any small or big thing that he can forget.
One thing as a child that I never liked about this loving uncle was that he used to forget my gift at home. Then when he would return home he would forget something at our place which he remembered till his next visit.
One fine morning when he was with us I found him very uneasy. He was looking for something very desperately. He had lost his wrist watch. I tried to search and help him but in vain. That was not the first time that he had lost something but he was very upset on loosing his wrist watch. By then it was about an hour that we were searching for the lost property and everyone in the house was looking for it. Now this was becoming a very odd situation. He was looking uncomfortable on loosing his watch.
I said, “Uncle you keep loosing things and then you get it back too because you just happen to misplace it. Why are you so upset today?”
He explained, “Yes, I know I misplace things and so I am always assured of getting it back. But today I have not misplaced my watch. Because I keep forgetting things here and there I have placed it in a very appropriate place and now I am unable to remember that place.”
The day was wasted in looking for the watch. The old fellow did not get out of the house the whole day. The next day he said, “Now I quit, it is not possible for me to solve this problem of absent mindedness.” And he walked out of the house to do some gardening. He liked gardening a lot he was very good at landscaping. He enjoyed gardening but due to this short episode he did not get out of the house for one day and now he did not want to waste his time.
The moment he stepped out of the house he started laughing and we all gathered to know what was happening. In no time we all started laughing. This old gentleman had devised a creative solution to his absent mindedness. Because he always forgot to wear his wrist watch while going out he had kept it on his shoes.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mind your own business

Doing what you ought to do and not doing what you ought not to do -Same or different?
When one requires an external force to avoid doing what one is not supposed to do then this person is lacking self discipline. He does what he is not supposed to do. He can indulge into indiscipline. He won't have respect for rules and regulations.

When one requires an external force to do what one is supposed to do then this person lacks focus on his goals. He might indulge in things which he is allowed to do but these things don't take him towards his goal.

So there is a definite difference between Doing what you ought to do and not doing what you ought not to do - and this difference is the difference between self discipline and focus.
Know this and be blissful!