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Paresh P Chitnis

Handwriting analysis and Graphology Blogs you will like to read

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Strugglers versus Strivers

Words are very confusing. The basic difference in the connotation of the words "strive" and "struggle" is that "to strive" is to put efforts for achievement whereas "to struggle" is to put efforts for getting out of a problem or trouble.

In that sense, struggle is a negative and strive is a positive trait.

The formations shown in the card below represent the thoughts of cheating betraying etc. These people attract problems and troubles for themselves. They have to struggle to get out of these problems which they create for themselves. These are definitely the strugglers

Strivers are the people who have decided to put extra efforts by choice. They have aimed a bit higher and there are no gains without pains so they have to strive for their higher goals. The formation in the next card is of the striver.
It should be noticed that the struggler has no choice but to struggle when he is in a problem and the striver is striving by choice. Struggle is for surviving striving is for growth.
You have the choice.
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Friday, November 26, 2010

Do you aim high enough?

Not failure, but low aim, is crime. Lowell, James RussellDear friends,Today I would like to share with you a personality trait that is considered as a sin or a crime. Yes, having low aims can be seen in the handwriting. A low t cross bar shows a low aim personality trait. This person settles for very ordinary achievements. He never aims for the moon or the stars. But a very contrasting fact is that he is ignorant about his capability and is satisfied in his achievements. He is very happy because his goals are achievable. His goals have always been in the comfort zone. Low aims are easy to achieve but there is nothing to celebrate in it. If you like these card-blogs you may subscribe to this series and get the articles right in your inbox.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Perfectly Perfect

Have you heard of the person who decided not enter the water unless he knows to swim perfectly?

Some people are perfectionists by nature. They cannot accept anything less than perfect. It is not important to be the highest scorer in exams for them. They want to score 10/10.

Perfectionists also expect perfection from others. Perfectionists are very critical about themselves and others. Their worries about the unmet goals outweigh the satisfaction about achieved goals. A less known fact about perfectionists is, they are not driven by the desire to succeed but they are driven by the fear of failure. The self talk of a perfectionist is very critical and negative sometimes.

In handwriting, perfectionist nature is seen as perfectly oval a's and o's. Here is a flash card for perfectionism.

If you are thinking whether you are a perfectionist or not, probably you are. If you are trying to find out spelling mistakes in this article you are surely a prefectionits.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Handwriting Analysis Flash Cards 2

"Sara Ghar jal gaya phir chudiayaan puchi."
This is a phrase from North India. The story behind this phrase goes like this:
There was a lady in a small village who always wanted to get noticed and appreciated. She saw to it that her friends would praise her new saree, mehndi, chappals etc. She would fell very delighted when someone would notice and praise her new bindi or her hair style.

One day she bought a set of bangles. They were the best crafted porcelain bangles from the nearby city. She eagerly wanted someone to notice them. So she would make noise of her bangles to attract people's attention. She would make noise of them while drawing water from the well, while sweeping the yard, feeding the cows. But his time no one noticed her new bangles and she was dying to be appreciated.

She failed in every way to seek attention. So she decided to take a drastic step. She decided to burn down her house. At night when the village was asleep she lit the straw- grass on the roof. Every one came shouting and threw water on the house. When the fire got extinguished one lady asked her did you get burns anywhere? She immediately showed her hands. Someone got a medicine to apply. While applying medicine the lady noticed the new bangles and said ," Oh, you have got very beautiful bangles!" Hearing this she says" The house got burnt and now you are asking about the bangles"

That's the story of people who desperately seek attention. They can go to any extent to be noticed.