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Paresh P Chitnis

Handwriting analysis and Graphology Blogs you will like to read

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Perfectly Perfect

Have you heard of the person who decided not enter the water unless he knows to swim perfectly?

Some people are perfectionists by nature. They cannot accept anything less than perfect. It is not important to be the highest scorer in exams for them. They want to score 10/10.

Perfectionists also expect perfection from others. Perfectionists are very critical about themselves and others. Their worries about the unmet goals outweigh the satisfaction about achieved goals. A less known fact about perfectionists is, they are not driven by the desire to succeed but they are driven by the fear of failure. The self talk of a perfectionist is very critical and negative sometimes.

In handwriting, perfectionist nature is seen as perfectly oval a's and o's. Here is a flash card for perfectionism.

If you are thinking whether you are a perfectionist or not, probably you are. If you are trying to find out spelling mistakes in this article you are surely a prefectionits.

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