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Paresh P Chitnis

Handwriting analysis and Graphology Blogs you will like to read

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Amartya Sen, Redistribution and the Uncertain Glory

Here is a signature analysis of Amartya Sen, the economist who speaks about social welfare, economic and social justice, economics of developing countries and well being of citizens of poor countries.
Signature of Dr Amartya Sen

S for Sen: 
What catches the eye is a big S formed by making an arcade. This S means that Amartya Sen is a sympathetic person who prefers not to speak about the charitable works but act for charity and upliftment of poor. He is an emotional person with a strong attachment towards his country and people. That S is a symbol of his emphasis on redistribution as a means to fight poverty.

The big small A: 
Dr Amartya Sen
The signature begins with a big lower case a. The good thing is- it is taller than all other letters. The other side is- it is a lower case letter. Although Dr Amartya Sen has a vision and initiative taking ability, he is unable to show the charisma and take a lead role. Using a capital letter means understanding what is more important- Priorities. He can speak on everything but when you ask him of what is more important he will create controversies and debates. The big but not capital 'a' in the beginning is what Jagdish Bhagwati calls Amartya Sen's theory- Putting the cart before the horse.

The U-turn Y:
The y in the signature goes down, attempts to return up but then shies away and returns downwards. This shows an aversion for success, glory and celebrations.

The dot at the end: 
The dot at the end shows decisiveness and steadfastness. Amartya Sen's signature ends with that dot. It is like a full stop. It says- this is it!

So that's Amartya Sen from his signature.

How about looking at the new book by Amartya Sen?
Here it is:

The Name of the book begins and ends with a same stroke this stroke in Graphology is called as a felons claw: Observe the last stroke in the y in Glory. You can see the same stroke in the capital A of An. It is also there in the lower case a of uncertain. That's a stroke which speaks of cheating.

Is there a cheated feeling in the readers mind after reading the book? or are the authors feeling cheated by the publishers and the readers?

Logos, names of books and products also speak a lot about self. To read more about logo analysis visit our website

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