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Paresh P Chitnis

Handwriting analysis and Graphology Blogs you will like to read

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

He telling a joke.. Laugh!

In this article, I am using excerpts from Osho’s discourse on Akshay Upanishad. You will find it easy to understand how letter K in the handwriting (which stands for romance) shows the ability to crack a joke effectively. Osho explains the process of telling a joke in a very analytical way.

Beloved Osho,

This is worth considering. It is significant. The first thing to understand is that except for man, no animal is capable of laughter. So laughter shows a very high peak in the evolution of life. If you go out on the street and see a buffalo laughing, you will be scared to death. And if you report it, then nobody will believe that it can happen. It is impossible. Why don’t animals laugh? Why can’t trees laugh?

There is a very deep cause for laughter. Only that animal can laugh which can get bored. Animals and trees are not bored. Boredom and laughter are the polar dualities, these are the polar opposites. They go together. And man is the only animal that is bored. Boredom is the symbol of humanity.
Look at dogs and cats; they are never bored. Man seems to be deep in boredom. Why aren’t other animals bored? Why does man alone suffer boredom?

“The higher the intelligence, the greater is boredom. The lower intelligence is not bored so much.”

“Laughter is needed for you to exist. Otherwise, you will commit suicide.”

"Now try to understand the mechanism of laughter and how it happens. If I tell a joke, why do you laugh? What makes you laugh. What happens? What is the inner mechanism?
If I tell a joke expectation is created. You start expecting. Your mind starts searching for what the end will be. And
you cannot conceive the end.

A joke moves in two dimensions. First it moves in a logical dimension. You can conceive it. If the joke goes on logically to the very end, it will cease to be a joke; there will be no laughter. So suddenly the joke takes a turn and becomes so illogical that you cannot conceive it. And when the
joke takes a turn and the result becomes illogical; then the expectation, the tension that was created in you, suddenly explodes. You relax. Laughter comes out.

Learn the formation of letter K
Letter K in handwriting

"Laughter is the relaxation. But tension is first needed. A story creates expectation, suspense and tension. You start feeling the crescendo. Now the crescendo will come. Something is going to happen. Your backbone is straight like that of a yogi. You have no more thoughts in the mind. The whole being is just waiting. All the energy is moving toward the conclusion. Suddenly something happens which the mind could not think of. Something absurd happens – something illogical, irrational. The end is such that it was impossible for logic to think about it. And you explode. The whole energy that had become tense inside you suddenly gets relaxed. Laughter comes out through this relaxation.
Man is bored. Hence he needs laughter. The more bored, the more laughter he will need. Otherwise, he cannot exist.

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