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Paresh P Chitnis

Handwriting analysis and Graphology Blogs you will like to read

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Living for the sake of life

The person crossing non- consecutive t's in the writing with a common cross bar shows melancholic-depression.
This person has thoughts of worthlessness. He is having feelings like guilt, low self esteem, hopelessness, agitation, lack of attention or inner agitation.
They might have ideas of suicide.
A very serious personality trait which requires immediate psychiatric attention. Trying to discuss the issue with them by close friends can prove to be counter-productive.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Shoplifting- Five finger discount

And if you have not been faithful with what belongs to someone else, who will give you what belongs to you?
Luke 16: 1-12

These writers cannot resist the urge to possess the things which do not belong to them. They have a habit of shoplifting, using office stationery for personal use, etc.

Kleptomania is a strong desire to steal. Often a kleptomaniac person steals things he could have bought easily or things that are not at all expensive. The person steals just for the tension or the kick. Kleptomania can be the result of emotional shortcomings during the youth. These patients have an irresistible inclination to steal. Often they throw away the stolen goods. They are mostly interested in the kick of the stealing itself. Although psychiatrists consider kleptomania as a disease, this is not a legal excuse in the court of law.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Excuse me!

An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie, for an excuse is a lie guarded. -Pope John Paul II
A person who is good at giving excuses cannot be good at anything else.
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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Strugglers versus Strivers

Words are very confusing. The basic difference in the connotation of the words "strive" and "struggle" is that "to strive" is to put efforts for achievement whereas "to struggle" is to put efforts for getting out of a problem or trouble.

In that sense, struggle is a negative and strive is a positive trait.

The formations shown in the card below represent the thoughts of cheating betraying etc. These people attract problems and troubles for themselves. They have to struggle to get out of these problems which they create for themselves. These are definitely the strugglers

Strivers are the people who have decided to put extra efforts by choice. They have aimed a bit higher and there are no gains without pains so they have to strive for their higher goals. The formation in the next card is of the striver.
It should be noticed that the struggler has no choice but to struggle when he is in a problem and the striver is striving by choice. Struggle is for surviving striving is for growth.
You have the choice.
If you loved this article and the cards please comment below. If you would like to get these articles in your mailbox just click the "follow" button on the right. Happy reading

Friday, November 26, 2010

Do you aim high enough?

Not failure, but low aim, is crime. Lowell, James RussellDear friends,Today I would like to share with you a personality trait that is considered as a sin or a crime. Yes, having low aims can be seen in the handwriting. A low t cross bar shows a low aim personality trait. This person settles for very ordinary achievements. He never aims for the moon or the stars. But a very contrasting fact is that he is ignorant about his capability and is satisfied in his achievements. He is very happy because his goals are achievable. His goals have always been in the comfort zone. Low aims are easy to achieve but there is nothing to celebrate in it. If you like these card-blogs you may subscribe to this series and get the articles right in your inbox.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Perfectly Perfect

Have you heard of the person who decided not enter the water unless he knows to swim perfectly?

Some people are perfectionists by nature. They cannot accept anything less than perfect. It is not important to be the highest scorer in exams for them. They want to score 10/10.

Perfectionists also expect perfection from others. Perfectionists are very critical about themselves and others. Their worries about the unmet goals outweigh the satisfaction about achieved goals. A less known fact about perfectionists is, they are not driven by the desire to succeed but they are driven by the fear of failure. The self talk of a perfectionist is very critical and negative sometimes.

In handwriting, perfectionist nature is seen as perfectly oval a's and o's. Here is a flash card for perfectionism.

If you are thinking whether you are a perfectionist or not, probably you are. If you are trying to find out spelling mistakes in this article you are surely a prefectionits.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Handwriting Analysis Flash Cards 2

"Sara Ghar jal gaya phir chudiayaan puchi."
This is a phrase from North India. The story behind this phrase goes like this:
There was a lady in a small village who always wanted to get noticed and appreciated. She saw to it that her friends would praise her new saree, mehndi, chappals etc. She would fell very delighted when someone would notice and praise her new bindi or her hair style.

One day she bought a set of bangles. They were the best crafted porcelain bangles from the nearby city. She eagerly wanted someone to notice them. So she would make noise of her bangles to attract people's attention. She would make noise of them while drawing water from the well, while sweeping the yard, feeding the cows. But his time no one noticed her new bangles and she was dying to be appreciated.

She failed in every way to seek attention. So she decided to take a drastic step. She decided to burn down her house. At night when the village was asleep she lit the straw- grass on the roof. Every one came shouting and threw water on the house. When the fire got extinguished one lady asked her did you get burns anywhere? She immediately showed her hands. Someone got a medicine to apply. While applying medicine the lady noticed the new bangles and said ," Oh, you have got very beautiful bangles!" Hearing this she says" The house got burnt and now you are asking about the bangles"

That's the story of people who desperately seek attention. They can go to any extent to be noticed.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Handwriting Analysis Flash Cards

If you see this kind of M formation in somebodies handwriting understand that this person is a warrior when it comes to relationships, discussions, negotiations etc. He is ready to wage a war against anyone for anything.

You can buy this set of 70 flash cards to use it for Handwriting analysis at parties, meetings, interviews and almost anywhere. It is a ready reckoner and a good way to revise your basics while travelling.
Price:Rs 500/-
You can get it at Centre for Personality Assessment and Graphology, 5, Sadashiv Heights, Ashoka Marg, Nashik.
To get it delivered in India: Mail us at or call 9225111320. Cards will be shipped in 5 working days on receiving your payment by Cash Cheque or DD in favour of " Centre for Personality Assessment and Graphology" payable at Nashik

Contact us for IGPS students concession and bulk buying

Monday, July 12, 2010

Tomorrow never dies. It kills.

Do you tend to cut others off people in the middle of their sentence? Do you understand what a person would speak even before he opened his mouth? Do you seem to be uninformed sometimes when you do some quick judgement? Do your close ones complain about you being arrogant, insensitive or overbearing? Are your relationships affected because you snap at others in response to questions or requests?

Did you skip reading the above paragraph after reading the first line? If the answer to most of these questions is yes you are IMPATIENT. Impatience is an undesired personality trait. Impatience is wanting to be ahead of time. An impatient person is eager to know the future and in doing so does not live in the present. Such people tend to take hasty decisions.
Relaxation techniques like yognidra can help the mind to be calm and aware of the present moment.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

He telling a joke.. Laugh!

In this article, I am using excerpts from Osho’s discourse on Akshay Upanishad. You will find it easy to understand how letter K in the handwriting (which stands for romance) shows the ability to crack a joke effectively. Osho explains the process of telling a joke in a very analytical way.

Beloved Osho,

This is worth considering. It is significant. The first thing to understand is that except for man, no animal is capable of laughter. So laughter shows a very high peak in the evolution of life. If you go out on the street and see a buffalo laughing, you will be scared to death. And if you report it, then nobody will believe that it can happen. It is impossible. Why don’t animals laugh? Why can’t trees laugh?

There is a very deep cause for laughter. Only that animal can laugh which can get bored. Animals and trees are not bored. Boredom and laughter are the polar dualities, these are the polar opposites. They go together. And man is the only animal that is bored. Boredom is the symbol of humanity.
Look at dogs and cats; they are never bored. Man seems to be deep in boredom. Why aren’t other animals bored? Why does man alone suffer boredom?

“The higher the intelligence, the greater is boredom. The lower intelligence is not bored so much.”

“Laughter is needed for you to exist. Otherwise, you will commit suicide.”

"Now try to understand the mechanism of laughter and how it happens. If I tell a joke, why do you laugh? What makes you laugh. What happens? What is the inner mechanism?
If I tell a joke expectation is created. You start expecting. Your mind starts searching for what the end will be. And
you cannot conceive the end.

A joke moves in two dimensions. First it moves in a logical dimension. You can conceive it. If the joke goes on logically to the very end, it will cease to be a joke; there will be no laughter. So suddenly the joke takes a turn and becomes so illogical that you cannot conceive it. And when the
joke takes a turn and the result becomes illogical; then the expectation, the tension that was created in you, suddenly explodes. You relax. Laughter comes out.

Learn the formation of letter K
Letter K in handwriting

"Laughter is the relaxation. But tension is first needed. A story creates expectation, suspense and tension. You start feeling the crescendo. Now the crescendo will come. Something is going to happen. Your backbone is straight like that of a yogi. You have no more thoughts in the mind. The whole being is just waiting. All the energy is moving toward the conclusion. Suddenly something happens which the mind could not think of. Something absurd happens – something illogical, irrational. The end is such that it was impossible for logic to think about it. And you explode. The whole energy that had become tense inside you suddenly gets relaxed. Laughter comes out through this relaxation.
Man is bored. Hence he needs laughter. The more bored, the more laughter he will need. Otherwise, he cannot exist.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dotting on the extreme left

A dot is the basic unit of handwriting. A dot can make a difference to your signature. As you know that the signature is a public image placement of some extra dots in signature reveals a lot about you.
Here is the meaning of placement of dots below the signature. If the dots are on the extreme left then the person prefers the company of very close family (Hum Do Hamare Do kind of person- in Hindi).

If the dots are at the center below the signature these people enjoy the company of close friends and relatives like cousins. And if the dot is at the extreme right below the signature these people can befriend unknown people easily.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Dotting on the extreme right

A dot is the basic unit of handwriting. A dot can make a difference to your signature. As you know that the signature is a public image placement of some extra dots in signature reveals a lot about you.
Here is the meaning of placement of dots below the signature. If the dots are on the extreme left then the person prefers the company of very close family (Hum Do Hamare Do kind of person- in Hindi). If the dots are at the center below the signature these people enjoy the company of close friends and relatives like cousins.

And if the dot is at the extreme right below the signature these people can befriend unknown people easily. They are very comfortable talking to strangers and can make friends with co-passengers while in journey. This well known video of a TV commercial is just an example of this.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

More about-Who prefers execution over planning?

If you have read the above linked blog then this is a sequel to it. People with this formation in their writing prefer to get into action without much thinking and think as and when required on the way.

The actor in the video exactly says what is on their mind- "Thinking is such a waste of time"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It is an art

Mechanical Art

Some people are very mechanical about art. They sometimes miss the point while being mechanical. Their approach towards art is very technical, protocol oriented or procedural. May be if they enjoy it, others find it difficult to appreciate it. Just as in this video:

This video is a guest appearance of Rowan Atkinson -the salesman, in the movie Love actually.

It's all about romance

The reality and the approach towards reality. Romance is having a different approach towards the reality.

In this video Subodh has a very mechanical approach but I would also like to bring to your notice that Sameer is also unable to make the impact because he is taking too long.

You can check the second video, especially the conversation between Sameer and his friend- Akshay Khanna. See the video below:

So have you got by now who's who in terms of K?

Monday, April 12, 2010

You can give only what you have

I like the way Osho speaks. He had to face lot of resistance because of what he spoke. He spoke lot of truth which was disturbing for the people who did not want to listen. Here is one such controversial comment he has made.

"Those who give you a serpent when you ask for a fish, may have nothing but serpents to give. It is then generosity on their part."
You can give only what you have.

This sounds very true and acceptable. But when you learn the reference he made to you will understand the reason behind the rage he drew from the society.

He explains that Lord Ram received injustice from his father and so what he could give at his best was injustice.

Just have a look at the formation below and recollect what it means.

A person having this kind of letter t in the writing has been a victim of partial treatment of parents towards siblings / himself. This person becomes very particular about justice and fairness.
What you studied in Graphology course is correct . And what about what Osho is saying? Will this person be able to give only what he has got? Are his wife, children and worshipers a victim's victim?
He makes you think. He is Osho.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Who prefers execution rather than planning?

Letter F
This is an example of a person who jumps into action without much planning. He seems to be execution oriented very fast and sometimes lacking intelligence. He has an aversion for planning his route. Such people prefer field work rather than desk work.
So enjoy the video especially the last moments. And master the formation when you do handwriting analysis the next time. Enjoy analysis its fun!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Ready to get into a fight

Some people are very keen on grabbing an opportunity to fight either verbally or physically. They are always looking for an opportunity to fight. Are they analytical? yes they are. They analyse the situation to solve the problem but then see the image, the sharp V formation is getting inverted like^ at the end. So this person inverts the situation and creates a new problem.
These people are literally ready with a sword crossed to start the fight. They get into quarrellings easily.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Street-Smart Time Management

Hi I would like to share this advertisment video with you. This is an example of street smart time management. But the person is not always that cool as seen here.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Creativity and absent mindedness- Two sides of the same coin

Disconnection= Intuition, creativity, absent mindedness.
An old gentleman who was very absent minded would visit us once in a year. He was an epitome of absent mindedness. He would forget all that he could forget. Towel while going for a bath, glasses on his forehead, his wallet, his handbag, his cap (topi) and any small or big thing that he can forget.
One thing as a child that I never liked about this loving uncle was that he used to forget my gift at home. Then when he would return home he would forget something at our place which he remembered till his next visit.
One fine morning when he was with us I found him very uneasy. He was looking for something very desperately. He had lost his wrist watch. I tried to search and help him but in vain. That was not the first time that he had lost something but he was very upset on loosing his wrist watch. By then it was about an hour that we were searching for the lost property and everyone in the house was looking for it. Now this was becoming a very odd situation. He was looking uncomfortable on loosing his watch.
I said, “Uncle you keep loosing things and then you get it back too because you just happen to misplace it. Why are you so upset today?”
He explained, “Yes, I know I misplace things and so I am always assured of getting it back. But today I have not misplaced my watch. Because I keep forgetting things here and there I have placed it in a very appropriate place and now I am unable to remember that place.”
The day was wasted in looking for the watch. The old fellow did not get out of the house the whole day. The next day he said, “Now I quit, it is not possible for me to solve this problem of absent mindedness.” And he walked out of the house to do some gardening. He liked gardening a lot he was very good at landscaping. He enjoyed gardening but due to this short episode he did not get out of the house for one day and now he did not want to waste his time.
The moment he stepped out of the house he started laughing and we all gathered to know what was happening. In no time we all started laughing. This old gentleman had devised a creative solution to his absent mindedness. Because he always forgot to wear his wrist watch while going out he had kept it on his shoes.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mind your own business

Doing what you ought to do and not doing what you ought not to do -Same or different?
When one requires an external force to avoid doing what one is not supposed to do then this person is lacking self discipline. He does what he is not supposed to do. He can indulge into indiscipline. He won't have respect for rules and regulations.

When one requires an external force to do what one is supposed to do then this person lacks focus on his goals. He might indulge in things which he is allowed to do but these things don't take him towards his goal.

So there is a definite difference between Doing what you ought to do and not doing what you ought not to do - and this difference is the difference between self discipline and focus.
Know this and be blissful!